Jennifer Lacoste, Board Member
Jennifer Lacoste has been a Northshore resident for the majority of her life and now resides in Madisonville with her husband Stevin. Jennifer graduated from Southeastern University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. Marketing and sales have always been her strengths, so it did not take her long to follow her family’s footsteps into the world of real estate. Today she is a third generation realtor and absolutely loves her job! Jennifer believes that everyone should have the home of their dreams and that includes every animal in our community.
Jennifer has had a passion and love for rescue animals since she was a small child and currently has four rescue dogs and two rescue cats, each of which make every single day better than the next. Advocating for the importance of adopting, donating, and fostering comes easy to her and she hopes that everyone can find it in their hearts to give to our animals in need. She’s beyond excited to be part of the Northshore Humane Society Board of Directors and promises to raise awareness and champion for the well-being of these beautiful pets that need our help and guidance.